Big alert for Shiba, doge crypto holders
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Big alert for Shiba, doge crypto holders |
the crypto market is seeing a major correction yet again just like we said was potentially going to happen today these support levels play out perfectly every single time bitcoin forty-five ended forty-five up breaking out of the forty-five thousand dollar range and ended up breaking down very quickly and dropped all the way to forty-two thousand dollars what does this mean for Sheba EU what does this mean for every cryptocurrency that you hold in your crypto wallets in this article I'm going to be talking about is the market going to go lower.
the market has seen a correction today and bitcoin has seen a correction of approximately 10 taking a look at Ethereum basically from the range we were trading at to now had a correction of 10 that's very significant and unfortunate but there is a potential bottom a bounce that has been placed in this is not confirmed this is not for certain but we definitely need to keep our eyes very closely on the market I am doing that at Patreon basically staying up at all hours to watch the market.
because we are in a very very critical area as we see across the board and coin market cap a lot of cryptocurrencies the last 24 hours on a total down from five percent six percent seven percent uh definitely not looking very green at all but you're asking miles why is this happening why is she being a dogecoin why are all these cryptocurrencies going down what the heck is happening you said it was bullish you said this and that well here's the thing there is a new strain identified in France and unfortunately it's causing more panic and fear and fud across all of the markets and around many countries you know all of the news of these new variants of the flu definitely caused drops in the crypto market because pretty much cryptos had started dropping ever since the recent strain that was released was talked about and we've seen a correction in the market ever since there's been a lot of fun and fear ever since.
so we are seeing so much fear and you need to check out my article earlier today I explain even more in detail some other reasons why the market is trading sideways going down and so forth but here's the thing the real reason why cryptos have gone down today is that the federal reserve puts wheels of motion for balance sheet reduction so the fed opened their mouth today and they talked about reducing the balance sheet because of inflation they talked about interest rates they talked about tapering and at the same time government bond yields rose whenever the government bonus rise you definitely see a correction in the stock market and in the crypto market both of those things are trickling down definitely not only into the stock market.
but the crypto market for certain as I can show you that the stock market had a correction today very significant correction as they may add and a lot of red a lot of bleeding and when the fed starts opening their mouth the market just drops stocks Kryptos and guess what the inflation rating is gonna be done next week and if inflation is higher, again and again, that's most likely going to drop the market even further.
so we have a lot of very bearish things that are happening in the next week the next 15 days or so or less maybe that will be the end of this bearishness at least for January can we finally see some green there's definitely going to be some green in the time b but it is not looking pretty now you're going to ask miles okay so what should we do what is the game plan here well the game plan is to watch this recovery to see what's happening because the market is continuing to go lower and as we are getting a balance in the overall crypto markets.
we are now getting more red again so the market is not looking good and what is realistic to happen is that the cryptocurrencies can see another correction and another push all the way down potentially let's go ahead and measure this we can see another push another 10 down so what I personally did remember nothing in this video is financial advice but I let my Patreon members know exactly what to do and what I did and I pretty much sold most of my crypto positions because the market is flipping bearish and I'm a day trader and I have the time all day this is what I do all day I watch the charts all day I I trade all day I have the time to be able to trade the small volatile areas of the market so I'm able to trade support levels resistance levels and make quick five percent three percent there so whenever there's a huge drop. if you buy the dip you see it's starting to go up very quickly.
you buy that you go up two percent three percent you have a lot of money you sell it and it starts to go back down once you start to see any sign of bearishness using indicators and a whole bunch of other things that you'll need to know as a technical trader you'll know when to exit and to watch these further levels and just play these levels it's very very easy because as we see exactly at the t once we start breaking down from certain levels we end up going to the next level of support exactly so if you know these support levels you could be putting orders already near those levels and when it happens you get the quick balance of the quick buy and you're able to make these short trades.
so when the market is very bearish what I do and also in the Patreon I'll let you all know is I do short-term quick easy trades because diversifying your portfolio having a whole bunch of different cryptocurrencies buying it and waiting many many months and a bearish market is not the most profitable thing to do and unless you have a full-time job which you can't just trade cryptocurrencies all day and watch your phone all day which is highly stressful if you didn't know but what is likely to happen is that the market could see another correction of 10 or greater now that would push us to this is the whole market this is the whole crypto market by the way now what that will do is either give us a strong balance or a support level where we can trade in that range.
now if we continue to break lower than that then the market could see a really big correction which wouldn't mean the end of the crypto market it just means we'd have a big correction and then a big balance and then a recovery back up to all-time highs and so forth but that would definitely not be good for cryptos at all it would take the market may be sometimes much more time to recover once you drop 30 once you drop 40 50 60 percent for especially for bitcoin Ethereum Ethereum even some of the bigger cryptos.
I honestly don't see that happening and realistically my personal opinion is I'm thinking we are going to go lower maybe we're going to bounce off of this level of support which is very likely it's very very likely we continue to historically bounce off of this level of support as we saw previously in the early days of December we bounced off this level bounced up very quickly so that could certainly be the scenario but since we are having so much movement such strong movement not flash crashes to the level and then bouncing up quickly.
we are moving slowly and steadily into these bearish ranges it's very likely that we will bounce off that of next-level support for bitcoin which can be around like I told you this morning we should watch that video around thousand forty-two thousand dollars if that does not hold up bitcoin will be definitely heading close to thirty thousand dollars which is a significant correction that's very likely if we'd end up breaking out from the forty thousand dollar range this is going to apply to Ethereum Cardona a lot of these other all coins that you have dogecoin Shiba eating but I don't think that that is going to happen.
I don't think we're entering into a long bear market I don't think we're gonna be having a major correction in my opinion I'm thinking we could see another 10 to 15 at max and then start to bounce up and recover which will take some time might take some time a couple of weeks so it's looking right now since we are bearish that the market could definitely be heading to a correction that could last maybe a couple of months at most that is just my opinion but what we have to do is we have to continually watch the charts we have to understand what's happening in the news but actually behind the scenes there's a lot of very very bullish things happening right now like bitcoin right now is that the lowest supplies on the exchanges ever that's a very bullish thing because what that means is that there's only very little supply on the exchanges left to trade himself and most of the bitcoin supply is being held and not sold by whales and retail investors alike.
so that's actually a very good sign so there's a lot of very bullish things happening we have Ethereum 2.0 there's a bunch of major catalysts for a lot of cryptocurrencies shiva a new dogecoin included and those things are going to be very bullish for the overall markets in cryptocurrencies and that will also attract a lot of buyers as well but what we need to do is we need to keep a close eye on the market which i do at all times and I'll let you all know on the Patreon keep you guys all updated i personally am not worried it's not over within my opinion bitcoin and cryptos always recover they always recover no matter how much they crash because in every single bull run bitcoin has seen major major corrections even corrections of 80 and then recovering very quickly and breaking all-time highs it happens all the time so if you invest in the best products good successful projects that will be here a long time your money is most likely going to be in very good hands .
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