How to Buy and secure Cryptocurrency in 2022
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this is the ultimate guide for beginners on how to get started with investing in digital assets like bitcoin Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies we will go step by step together to make this process simple and easy not only will you learn how to buy cryptocurrency you will also learn everything you need to do before buying cryptocurrency that way all of your investments are safe and secure the best part it's going to be a lot easier than you think
I remember when I first googled searched how to buy cryptocurrency a few years ago and it was really overwhelming there was a lot of conflicting information confusing terms and so many different exchanges and cryptocurrencies to choose from fast forward to today and I rank on the first page of google with my article guide on how to buy cryptocurrency this article is an updated version of my original guide on how to buy cryptocurrency so let's get started I've broken this article down into two separate parts with steps in between whether you are a beginner that would like to read the entire article straight through or more experienced and familiar with the basics feel free to use the time stamp table of contents provided in the second article.
in section one we will walk through the nine steps you need to take before investing in cryptocurrency in section two we will walk through actually buying and transferring cryptocurrency in seven easy steps I know this technology is complex and the process seems intimidating and I'm going to make this as easy as possible for you before we start learning how to buy bitcoin.
I want to share with you three important things you need to know before transforming some of your wealth into digital assets number one these types of investments are not like anything else you may be familiar with unlike banks credit unions and traditional stock exchanges there are virtually no fail-safes in place to protect you if you make a mistake or if you don't understand what you're doing there's no hotline you can call when you get stuck there are no corporate headquarters you can reach out to if you lose your funds there are not FDIC insured banks behind these investments
this means at any time you could lose all of your investments from hackers or user error with no recourse at all cryptocurrency is cutting-edge technology it's the modern-day wild west so require some focused time and energy to wrap your head around luckily for you I've done a lot of the leg work to compile this step-by-step guide from research keeping up with daily news and experience buying selling transferring and storing cryptocurrency I've updated this ultimate guide to ensure you receive the knowledge and understanding you need to be successful in cryptocurrency investments.
the second thing you need to know before we go any further is the golden rule of investing never invest more than you can afford to lose high risk can lead to high reward and as humans we have a natural tendency to want to overreach you need to figure out an amount you're comfortable with investing and more importantly an amount you can truly afford to invest then you need to stick with that amount and be patient with the process cryptocurrency is a lot more volatile and unpredictable than the stock market unlike the 9 to 5 new york stock exchange cryptocurrency is traded 24 7 around the world.
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so if you want any chance of getting a good night's sleep as a crypto investor you need to budget an amount of money you're going to invest and stick to it since you're not dealing with any banks and other third-party financial institutions this process is basically helping you set up your own personal bank to manage your own personal funds so the third thing you need to know is that it's extremely important to pay attention to the URLs of the websites you're accessing to ensure you're not visiting a fake one that's pretending to be the real one also always ensure that there is an HTTPS protocol in the URL not just in HTTP this means that the site has a secure sockets layer or an SSL protecting the information passed through the website by a user always ensure that the actual URL is correct as well there are a ton of phishing sites that pretend to be the real site in order to steal your username and password to gain access to your account on the real website.
once you are 100 sure you are accessing the right URL bookmark the page and only access the site going forward using that bookmark that way you never become a victim of a phishing site t make it safer and easier for you I've listed all the links you'll need in the description area below so as we set up your accounts make sure you scroll down to the description area of this video and click on the links provided to access the correct website safely okay.
without further ado I've broken this section down into nine easy steps you need to take before investing in cryptocurrency let's learn how to buy crypto step one this may come as a surprise to you because cryptocurrency is pretty high-tech but the first thing you need to do is get yourself some pen and paper now I catch a lot of flack for this step but I'm telling you it's the safest way to keep all of your information private and secure paper can simply be paper or you can buy a notepad a journal notebook whatever suits your fancy I personally love to use these Moleskine notebooks with grid paper.
I'm a huge fan of grid paper because it's easy to organize information and read whatever form of paper you choose you to need to buy at least two of them but I highly recommend three for redundancy step two use your paper notebooks to store all of your passwords login credentials and any other sensitive information regarding your crypto wallets exchanges and other accounts I'm going to walk you through setting up in this video never store passwords or login data online with a password manager on your phone or on any device connected to the internet you need to store all of your information on paper with paper backups.
this is why I recommend buying at least two paper notebooks you should store your notebooks in separate locations to be safe because you never know if or when your house or office may be affected by a fire hurricane flooding or any other destructive event that could compromise your paper notebook consider storing one notebook in a fireproof safe at your house and another one at a safety deposit box at a bank or something similar remember you are your own bank there are no pre-built fail-safes in this technology and there are hackers everywhere trying to steal your funds so it's up to you to take the necessary steps to protect your investments also.
if you decided to buy the moleskin notebook I suggested there is an in case of loss please return to section and an as a reward dollar sign line you should definitely fill that out and if your paper journal doesn't have this available I recommend using the first page of your paper notebook for contact details and a reward for returning it if loss thinks carefully and consider how much you would pay to incentivize someone who found your notebook to return it safely where it belongs step three you're going to need to create a lot of different long complicated passwords when setting up your cryptocurrency investment accounts wallets and more these passwords need to be extremely strong.
so i'm going to share some tips with you on how to create passwords hackers are not sitting around on computers trying to guess your password they use programs that automatically run through massive databases of common passwords and random combinations of characters to protect yourself from this you need to make very long passwords containing random numbers letters capitalization and special characters don't use common phrases famous movie lines or anything resembling a word or sentence really don't replace letters that look like numbers like number one four and i or number three for an e and don't simply spell words or sentences backwards because people do that a lot as well password cracking software takes all of those common practices into consideration when guessing passwords also sometimes people set up websites that help you randomly generate passwords don't use an online site that generates a password for you because you never know if the site is actually storing the password it generated for you to use at a later time as much of a pain as it is you need to create long complicated random passwords for each and every account never use the same password on more than one account to increase security.
make sure you never store passwords for cryptocurrency accounts on a password manager cloud-based password managers like LastPass and one password are vulnerable to remote attacks even though those accounts are encrypted if your master password is hacked then you are completely exposed never store passwords in your browser because those are also vulnerable that's why i recommend only storing passwords on your paper notebooks remember never rely on one single password for your investments you are your own bank so you need to have more than one line of defense and here's a bonus tip if any accounts require a security question treat the answers like your passwords create fake long complex answers to security questions people can easily find out your mother's maiden name ignore you into high school on websites like Facebook so keep that in mind store the fake answers to your security questions in your paper notebook with everything else step four you need to ensure that your computer is secure and free of any malware before you start setting up any accounts and wallets for buying cryptocurrency first.
if you don't already require a strong password to access your computer so go ahead and make that first entry into your notebook your brand new super-strong computer password next you need to do a full and complete malware scan of your computer there are a ton of free tools and services available to scan and secure your computer in this guide we will be walking through the scanning cleaning and securing process using Malwarebytes so scroll down to the description area of this video and click on the Malwarebytes link the link will get you safely to the Malwarebytes website on the homepage click free download the package should start downloading automatically once the package has been downloaded open the setup file by double-clicking on it.
if you can't open the file because it's from an unidentified developer right click on the file and select open when the setup wizard opens click to continue in the bottom right to see the Malwarebytes software license agreement next click continue through the next couple of screens next click agree click install if you are using a Mac it will ask you to authorize the download with your username and password when installation is complete click close and exit the setup wizard done Malwarebytes should launch automatically you will be asked to select the type of computer you are using.
choose either personal or work next you will be taken to the dashboard from here click on the scan tab and click start scan after the scan is complete if your computer is clean great if the scan found some threats you can click on the quarantine tab to view them and then click clear quarantine to permanently delete the threat files next you should definitely purchase the premium version of Malwarebytes to enable the malware protection functions going forward to keep your computer safe this free download will allow you to try Malwarebytes premium for 14 days.
if you have a pc instead of a mac and want to take security one step further I recommend downloading and installing a key scrambler key scramblers are great tools that prevent hidden keystroke logging malware from recording your passwords to hack into your accounts by encrypting everything you type in real-time I recommend trying key scrambler by QFX click here to check it out HTTPS or if you have an on-screen keyboard on your computer you can elect to only type in your passwords using the on-screen keyboard this also prevents keystroke loggers from recording your password step five you will not be accessing crypto-related accounts on your computer alone smartphones play a huge role in security and access as well.
so you need to take steps to secure your phone first if you don't have one already require a password to unlock your phone that way if it's ever lost or stolen there's a barrier between a potential hacker and your investments make sure you log the password in your notebook for safekeeping next you need to remove your phone number from any public website and social media and never publish your cell phone number or cell phone provider publicly or to people you don't know or trust i know this is very difficult to do in our social media-driven world but it's an imperative step to ensure the security of your investments cell phone numbers are used to access a myriad of sensitive data including banking cryptocurrency and the two factor authentication applications we will be setting up later on in this guide using your cell phone provider and cell phone number hackers can conduct sim theft this is where hackers steal your phone number's identity by calling your cell phone provider and requesting a new sim card.
if they steal your cell phone sim card they can easily hack into your investment accounts and drain your funds so the next thing you need to do to prevent this from happening is set up a passcode or passphrase with your cell phone provider that must be disclosed before activating a new sim card so get on the phone with t-mobile Verizon or whoever your cell phone provider is and set up a strong passphrase that must be disclosed before activating new sim cards on your account and here's another bonus tip Malwarebytes has security software for mobile devices you can install to further secure your cell phone click on the links for android or ios devices in the description below to see.
if it's something you would like to use step six it's time to create a brand new unique email address using a handle you've never used anywhere else before this includes your name nicknames usernames anything you've used for accounts anywhere online or offline in the past this new email address should only be used exclusively for crypto investments do not use an email address you already have and that people know about to open up cryptocurrency accounts you need something completely random to use for the handle for your new email account and do not use the new email address for shopping or signing up for newsletters and other things only use your new email address for crypto and don't tell anyone else about it you don't know or trust.
I recommend setting up your new email account using protonmail or another similar email provider that prioritizes security and privacy I'm going to show you how to set up a brand new email account using protonmail click on the description below on protonmail to access it safely and securely next click get your encrypted email account protonmail offers a variety of accounts to choose from in this guide we are going to click and sign up for the free basic account so click select free plan next choose the unique username that you've never used anywhere else before and generate a strong password and register a recovery email make sure the email address you use for the recovery has a strong password as well then click create account verify that you are a human by captcha email text message or by making a donation finally click complete setup.
now you can choose your display name and download protonmail's mobile application if you like great now you have an encrypted email account to use to set up your cryptocurrency accounts step 7. using your newly secured cell phone we are now going to download some two-factor authentication apps two-factor authentication is an extra layer of security that is absolutely crucial to set up before investing in cryptocurrency this is how it works when accessing an account after entering your super-secure password you will be required to input a code that is generated on your two-factor authentication app these codes constantly change every 20 to 30 seconds '
so no one will be able to access your accounts unless they have your cell phone at that particular moment in time there are two different authentication apps we will be downloading google authenticator and authy some people prefer one over the other and some people use both I personally prefer auth over google authenticator however some websites only allow two-factor authentication through google so we will be setting that one up as well first let's download authy go to the app store on your phone type in an author and download the auth app when it's finished downloading enter your cell phone number and click ok next enter the email address you created using protonmail and lick next a window will pop up that says get account verification via phone call or SMS make a selection and then enter your registration code in the space provided.
great now you're able to start adding accounts but the first tap on the cog icon to access the app settings next tap on the security settings enable app protection and set up a protection pin enter your pin and then you will be prompted to re-enter it write down this code in your paper notebooks back in the security section enable protect the entire app and enter your pin again you can also enable touch id protection.
if you have that option awesome now auth is secure tap cancel in the top left corner of the screen then tap on the accounts icon at the bottom then tap authenticator backups in this section you need to create a lon strong backups password auth will store an encrypted copy of all of your accounts so if you upgrade or lose your phone you can easily restore them create your backups password and then tap enable backups to type out your backup's password again to confirm it and then tap ok now write down your backups password in your paper notebooks next tap on the devices icon at the bottom this step is optional but if you would like the app to be more secure disable the allow multi-device option that way someone can't use any other device to use your two-factor authentication besides the exact cell phone that you're holding if you lose your phone or if it breaks you will need to get a new one and use your backups password to recover access to your 2fa accounts.
if you leave this option enabled then you may log in to your author account on other devices I recommend disabling it for increased security next tap ok and then tap exit great author is now ready to go next let's download google authenticator you will need a Gmail account to complete this setup so if you don't have one already create one with a unique handle you've never used before and a strong password go to the app store on your phone type in google authenticator and download the google authenticator app once it's finished downloading set up the app and choose to begin setup.
you'll see two options scan barcode and manual entry go to your internet browser and open your google account security page using this URL HTTP colon forward slash forward slash forward-slash security next scroll down and click on the two-step verification section click get started enter your Gmail account password google will attempt to use google prompt and send you a prompt to your connected mobile devices you can use google prompt or if your device isn't listed click choose another option and choose text message or voice call then enter your cell phone number choose to receive a text or a phone call to receive a verification code enter the code you receive in the space provided and click next once the code is accepted choose turn on then on the next page scroll down to the authenticator app section and click setup choose the type of phone you have and click next now go back to your cell phone and select scan barcode lift your phone to face the computer screen like you are taking a picture of the code .
once it's successful your phone will show a six-digit code that changes every 20 seconds or so along with your email address now go back to your computer and click next enter the code currently displayed on your phone before the time expires and the code changes and click verify once the code is verified click done if you've been using your Gmail account for a long time and you're not sure if it's automatically logging into old devices you don't use anymore scroll down to the devices you trust section and choose revoke all that way no matter what device you are using to log into your Gmail two-step verification will be required now you have two different authenticator apps most accounts work with the auth app however some accounts only work with google authenticator when setting up two-factor authentication with accounts you must choose one authenticator over the other you cannot set up two-factor authentication for both google and authy now we're going to set up two-factor authentication for your proton mail address you created in the previous step so log back into your protonmail account.
next click on settings and choose the security tab then click enable two-factor authentication you can read their 2fa guide and then click next open your 2fa app on your cell phone i recommend using auth over google when you have the choice on auth scroll down and click add account then click scan QR code allow auth to access your camera and hold up your cell phone to face the barcode-like you're taking a picture of it authy will scan the QR code account and allow you to name the account and select another logo then click done on protonmail enter your current password and then enter the two-factor passcode that's displayed on your phone in auth watch carefully as the code will change every 30 seconds or so then click submit next protonmail will provide you with several one-time use recovery codes save these codes in your paper notebooks if you lose your phone and you're unable to access the authenticator app these codes will be the only way you can log into your proton mail.
the account you can enter these codes instead of the six-digit authentication code note that each code can only be used once and they must be used in the listed order so be sure to save all of the codes now two-factor authentication should be required when logging into your protonmail account if you need more support for setting up two-factor authentication with protonmail check out the guide at this URL forward-slash support forward-slash knowledge base forward-slash two-factor authentication.
step eight this is one of the most important steps to take before investing in cryptocurrency and most people never do it you need to get a cold storage hardware wallet to store your cryptocurrency these devices cost money and they are worth every satoshi which a satoshi is the smallest unit of bitcoin it's like the penny to us dollar there are several different types of wallets out there and some wallets only support specific cryptocurrencies wallets are a big topic in crypto and I address them in other videos here's the key thing to remember never ever leave your cryptocurrency on exchanges it's extremely risky and hackers are constantly trying to break into exchanges the safest place to store your investments is on a cold storage hardware wallet device these devices store the keys to your cryptocurrency offline.
so it's the safest way to store and access cryptocurrency you can check out my other videos about cryptocurrency wallets and learn more about them so before you start buying cryptocurrency get a hardware wallet so you can store them safely after purchasing them the two most popular hardware wallets right now are made by ledger and trezor scroll down and click on the links in the description area below to safely access the correct sites to check those out never buy a used hardware wallet and never buy a hardware wallet from a different source other than the sites listed below to ensure you're getting a clean and official device my personal favorite hardware wallet is the new ledger nano x I recommend buying ledger's backup pack.
it comes with a ledger nano x and a ledger nano s for a backup once your hardware wallets arrive you can check out my videos on how to set them up step nine you're almost ready to buy cryptocurrency as a final step going forward here's something you need to think about using your paper notebooks managing cryptocurrency can be complicated and hard to do and if something were to happen to you I'm sure there's someone out there you would want to benefit from your investments in the event of incapacitation or death your family and friends would probably have a hard time figuring out how to manage your investments by themselves so using your paper notebooks record detailed notes and instructions from my article on how to safely access transfer and cash out your funds.
if they ever needed to do so try to keep it simple and also detailed enough so no one can get stuck I also highly recommend you go the extra mile and create a will trust or other documents that could be legally executed in the event of your death to carry out your wishes so on that happy note let's continue congratulations you're now prepared to start buying cryptocurrency safely and securely let's finally buy some cryptocurrency.
in this article, we will be using coinbase which is one of the safest and easiest cryptocurrency exchanges available if coinbase does not support your country or doesn't have the cryptocurrencies you want to buy check out my other article on buying cryptocurrency using other exchanges like Binance I've broken down the buying and transferring process into seven easy steps so let's get started step one
please check my second article and click on the coinbase link using this link is a safe way to access coinbase and when you buy 100 or more cryptocurrencies you'll receive 10 free bitcoin from using the link you will reach a screen that shows I invited you to coinbase and some information about how to get the 10 of free bitcoin.
bookmark this page and access the site going forward only using this bookmark that way you never become a victim of a phishing site fill in your first name last name your proton mail encrypted email account we set up together and a long complex password with random combinations of letters numbers and special characters write down your password and your paper notebooks for safekeeping confirm you are not a robot and click the check box certifying you are over 18 years old then click sign up log into your protonmail account and verify your email address by clicking on the verify email address link provided next you will be prompted to add your cell phone number add it and then click send code coinbase will automatically enable two-step verification requiring a code sent to your phone via text message when you log into coinbase check to make sure your first and last name are correct.
then choose what you will be using coinbase for from the drop-down menu make sure the information you provide while signing up for coin base is accurate so your account can be easily verified to avoid any freezes on your account financial regulations require coinbase to verify your identity note that these fields may be slightly different for European citizens enter your date of birth and physical address next select your source of funds and your occupation from the drop-down menus and enter the name of your employer finally enter the last four digits of your social security number then click continue step two next you will need to set up a funding account your options are to connect a bank account a debit card or by wire transfer.
i recommend connecting your bank account because it allows for buying and selling large amounts of cryptocurrency linking a PayPal account is only for withdrawing fiat and using a debit card only allows for small amounts but requires a connected bank account or wallet to sell cryptocurrency and a wire transfer is only good for single transfers to or from your coinbase account so let's connect your bank account click bank account and you will see a notification about how coinbase uses plaid to link your bank account safely and securely click continue and then search for your bank account next enter the credentials you used to log into your online bank account and click submit a security code might be required by your bank complete the security verification and then click continue if instant verification doesn't work you will be prompted to manually link your bank account click get started and then enter your routing number account number the full name on the bank account and then click verify your bank once your bank account is successfully linked you're almost ready to buy cryptocurrency.
before you start investing you need to further verify your identity and change some security settings step 3 in the top-right profile area click on the profile icon and click on settings go to the security tab and go down to the two-step verification section you'll see your current settings are text message or SMS two-step verification which is only moderately secure go to the authenticator app option and click select enter the two-step verification code sent to your phone then click confirm open the google authenticator app on your phone and click the add sign tap scan barcode and hold your phone up to the barcode-like you're taking a picture of it to enter your two-factor authentication code for the coinbase account on your google authenticator before the code changes.
then click enable now your two-factor authentication is set up there's an even more secure two-step verification option and it's by using a security key device this requires buying a physical hardware device that protects your coinbase account I highly recommend putting as many security protocols in place to protect your funds remember you are your own bank and it's your responsibility to keep your funds protected at the bottom of the security page where it says use two-step verification to secure your transactions make sure the option any amount of cryptocurrency is selected as it is the most secure.
step four next scroll up and click on account levels you should see you are at level two for verifying your personal identity you need to check the box under level three to verify a photo id so you're able to send and receive cryptocurrency with coinbase check the verify photo-id box and then a window with an option for driver's license or a photo id will pop up make a selection and then you will have the option to use your computer webcam your mobile camera or you can upload a file once you've submitted the requested documents coinbase will review them and either ask for more information or we'll accept the verification once.
you're at an account level 3 you'll be able to send and receive digital currencies using coinbase these are the cryptocurrencies available on coinbase at the time of this video note that certain states countries or regions may restrict what is available depending on their unique laws and regulation coinbase is constantly adding new cryptocurrencies to their exchange for people to buy and sell step five when you're ready to buy click on the buy-sell tab at the top make sure you are on the buy tab and using the drop-down menu choose the cryptocurrency you would like to buy using fiat from your recently linked bank account make sure the payment selection is accurate and then enter the amount you wish to buy in your fiat currency or you can enter the amount of cryptocurrency next review the amount for accuracy below you will see options to repeat the buy daily weekly every two weeks or monthly if you want to just buy one time continue by clicking the buy button the cryptocurrency will be deposited into the corresponding cryptocurrency wallet on coin base.
please remember that exchanges like coinbase cannot help you with any losses resulting from the compromise of your individual coinbase account or individual error so it is your responsibility to use a strong password and maintain control of all login credentials you use to access coinbase also exchanges like coinbase re under constant attacks from hackers trying to break through and steal funds even though coinbase keeps most of the cryptocurrency at stores offline it's not a good idea as a crypto investor to rely on third parties to protect your funds leaving your cryptocurrency on exchanges like coinbase is extremely risky so the next step you will need to take is transferring your cryptocurrency to your cold storage hardware wallet device step 6 if you follow the steps I suggested and you bought the ledger backup pack great.
let's move forward if you do not have a hardware wallet yet scroll down and click on the ledger link in the description area below to safely access the official store again never buy a used hardware wallet and never buy a hardware wallet from a different source other than the sites listed below to ensure you're getting a clean and official device now I'm going to show you how to transfer your cryptocurrency from coinbase to your ledger nano x device if you haven't set up your device yet check out my other video on how to set up your ledger nano x
in this article, we are going to transfer bitcoin from coinbase to the ledger nano x open your edger live app on your computer and enter your password click on the receive button and then choose the corresponding cryptocurrency account to credit then click continue lug in your ledger nano x device and enter your pin code navigate to the bitcoin app on your device and press both buttons down to select on your computer screen you should be able to click continue next you will need to verify the address on your device click continue then compare the address on your computer with the address listed on the ledger nano x if it matches click on the copy button on your computer to copy the address on your ledger device tap the right button over until you see the approve
then tap both buttons to approve on coinbase go to the accounts tab and go to your BTC wallet click on the send option paste the copied address into the recipient field enter the amount you wish to send to your ledger nano x wallet or you can choose to send max you can type anything you want in the optional message field then click continue to review the confirmation page for accuracy and then click confirm great now your transaction is on the way you can view the details or simply close the window when the transaction is complete you will see it listed in your bitcoin account on the ledger live app now the access to your cryptocurrency is safe offline with your ledger nano x.
if you ever want to sell your bitcoin or use it to buy other coins you can simply use the send button on the ledger live app choose the c responding account paste the address from the exchange you want to send it to and proceed to step let's quickly going go through and I'll show you how you can send your bitcoin from your ledger nano x back to coinbase to sell for fiat open the ledger live app on your computer and enter your password click on the send button and choose the corresponding amount go to coinbase then navigate to the accounts section click the receive button for your bitcoin wallet click I understand and then copy the address go to the ledger live app and paste the address into the recipient address field.
enter the amount of bitcoin or fiat you want to send to coinbase choose the network fees you want to incur the higher the fees the faster the transaction will occur if the network's fees are higher than 10 of the total amount you're sending there will be a warning so click continues next to enter the pin on your ledger nano x navigate to the bitcoin pp and press both buttons down to select once your ledger device is connected and unlocked watch the ledger live app until you can press continue to click the continue button and verify that all the transaction details are correct on your device by pressing the right button to scroll through the amount in fees.
if everything looks good press both buttons down to accept on your ledger device scroll through again and press both buttons down to accept and send on your ledger live app you will see the transaction was sent you can click view details or you can exit the screen nice now your bitcoin is on the way from storage to the coinbase exchange where you can sell it for fiat or buy another cryptocurrency with it I hope you found this video helpful and easy to follow what other precautions do you take when managing cryptocurrency that I may have missed do you have any additional security tips to share with us what cryptocurrency are you looking to invest in let us know in the comments below thanks for joining us
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